It’s quite
unbelievable really…..when I think back to years ago….just reading the odd
poems I’d written to my children was a lovely feeling. It was just for fun
Then I decided to
try to write something special for them and I wrote Teddy Time to help them
feel safe as they went to bed. They enjoyed me reading it to them, especially
my youngest, and it became a bedtime favourite!
Fast forward few
years and I thought an illustrated copy of the story would make a lovely
Christmas present. I will never forget the look of surprise on my eldest
daughters face when she opened that present…it is a beautiful memory that I
will always cherish.
Little did I know
that 3 years later I would have Teddy Time published as a real (like really real,
actually exists, on bookshelves real) story for other children and their
guardians to read together. It’s quite a journey for me as you can imagine!
I am so grateful
for the opportunity and I hope that it is enjoyed by anybody that reads it.
Sleep tight!
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